Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cigarettes and those Regrets

Well, it's been awhile since I blogged, thought I'd wait til I saved up a decent amount of stuff to talk about to make a decent entry. Well, it's been over a week now since I've had a cigarette. And I haven't cheated once. Not so much as one little puff off of a cigarette. I've completely dropped them. Saving me some money and aggravation...Let's see if I can keep it up. Here's the sucky part though, I've been suffering from insomnia and depression, I stayed up til like 7 am this morning because I couldn't sleep and I spent like a good hour or two just bawling like an idiot unable to control my emotions. I've missed some work lately because I've just felt blah and completely off and like I'm not even freaking with it at all, and just like unable to function. I hate when the depression kicks in to the point of dehabilitation. My mom made me call my doctor, but he can't get me in for like almost another month. So I guess I'll just keep taking more of my panic meds and just try to see if I can snap myself out of it. IDK. Mom says she also thinks that Josh (my boyfriend) being gone on vacation for about 2 weeks now is part of it and that once he is back she seems to think I'll snap out of it. I don't know what's going on, but as comfortable as I am slipping right back into depression. I like being happy :/ I want it back.

But onto some other topics, life is not all about me, it took me long enough to realize that. I've got some interesting tidbits for everyone to check out. This is a really cool little game: Cut the Rope! I had quite a bit of fun tooling around, and boy does the lil guy make ya feel bad if you don't get that candy to him.

on another note I found some hilarious harry potter comic things located here and they are DEFINITELY worth checking out, I about lawled right off my bed at these.

I also found a pretty cool artsy little unique comic, not too long, worth giving a look here @ Sarah and the Seed

If you do/did like Pokemon, these Pokemon redesigns will give you the willies. Go look them over here

When you start thinking about the good things God has done, it gets your mind off the negative and on the positive. I try to have a good attitude as much as I can because I know that is the most Christ-Like way to be, Jesus didn't stand around complaining about all the bad things he was dealing with, he tried to be thankful for the blessings before him and find a way to help anyone and everyone elses. Want to improve your attitude? Here are some pointers. Check em out.


New songs I found
the xx-islands
totally awesome, makes me think of Josh. I love it. great for my smitten playlist.
the xx-stars
also amazing, so lyrically talented. amazing vocals too. great vibe. just totally loving it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Things you can do to improve your life

-Stop watching television.
-Stop eating fast food.
-Stop eating pizza and fried foods.
-Stop driving places that you could easily walk to.
-Read at least 1 book a month.
-Take classes in what interests you or your vocation.
-Work enough to support yourself, and if needed get a new job or second job to make enough to support yourself. Never stick with a job that doesn't pay enough to support yourself no matter how much you work.
-Pay off your debts and don't go in debt. You can pay off your debts if you avoid needless expenses, such as cable, overpriced clothes, impractical decorations, unhealthy snacks, jewelry, et cetera.
-Don't buy a car on finance, and don't buy an expensive car if a cheaper one that works is available.
-Wake up early, and get all your work done as quickly as possible. That includes household chores, as well as your employment.
-Drink alcohol less or quit.
-Do drugs less or quit.
-Don't smoke cigarettes.
-Don't eat foods with high fructose corn syrup.
- Don't drink soda.
- Don't eat sugary foods at all.
- Don't drink more than 1 glass of juice per day.
- Stand up straight and have good posture.
- Look people in the eyes when you talk to them.
-Be polite.
-Keep your promises.
-Wear a watch, if you can afford it.
-Eat breakfast.
-If you eat cereal at any time, choose your cereal based on healthiness not tastiness.
-Exercise at least 3 days per week.
-Walk often.
-Always write with correct spelling and grammar.
-Never speak worse about a person behind their back than you do to their face. (Feel free to say nicer things about a person behind their back than to their face.)
-Don't gossip and don't have a big mouth.
-Never judge other people harsher than you judge yourself.
-Make New Years resolutions, but make one every day instead of every year.
- Forgive, but never forget.
-Don't have skeletons in your closet.
- Keep as few secrets as reasonably possible.
- Despite the rule before this one, keep your friends' secrets.
-Politely tell people that you will not betray your friends' trust, when you are asked about their secrets and such.
-Volunteering (i.e. activism) is more important than voting. If you can do both, good for you. If you only have time for one, volunteer instead of voting. It makes more of a difference.
-Privately question your own values.
-Avoid questioning other people's values, especially in public.
-Listen more than you talk.
-Use a journal to count how many calories you consume per day.
-Use a journal to count how many calories you burn per day.
-If you want to lose weight, burn slightly more than you consume. If you want to gain weight, consume slightly more than you burn. If you are happy with your weight, try to burn the same amount as you consume.
-Weigh yourself daily at the same time(s).
-Write your daily weight down in a journal.
-Never allow the police to search you, your car, or your belongings if you do not have something to hide.
-Never tell other people that you think they or something they are doing is immoral or sinful.
-Keep your moral values and religion to yourself. Use them to direct your own actions.
-Ask people how they are often and listen to their answer.
-Laugh at other people's jokes, but not your own.
-Shower at least once per day.
-Wash your hands, even if you aren't an employee.
-Take care of the elderly, which includes spending time with them and talking to them.
-Avoid going places where you need to be waited on.
-Wait on yourself wherever possible.
-Make your friends look good.
-Avoid lying.
-Don't pretend to be better than you are. Don't pretend to be more successful, popular, et cetera.
-Treat other people as if they are better than they are. Treat them as if they are more successful, popular, et cetera.
-Don't brag about your talents. Instead, surprise people with them when they just happen to be called upon.
-Sit up straight.
-Keep your house clean.
-If you have either of them, keep your car and office clean.
-Stretch daily. (I do Yoga most mornings.)
-Take dancing lessons if you could use improvement.
-Ask other people (e.g. your friends, your co-workers, your boss, etc.) what their favorite book is, and read it.
-Ask their favorite song or band, and listen to it.
-Ask their favorite movie, and watch it.
-Don't be camera shy.
-When your alarm goes off in the morning (if you use one), don't press snooze.
-Make a budget and follow it.
Suggestions from visitors:
-Say "I love you" often to the people you feel this way about.
-Always turning off lights when leaving a room, unless of course there are others are in the room. For that matter, conserving any unnecessary electricity usage is key to the future of humanity.

from: Here

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friendship is Magic, Ponies, Bronies, Hasbro and time to go the fuck to sleep

This Article here about a bunch of Bronies vs Hasbro getting into it over some legally debatable running Friendship is Magic episodes via a website and Hasbro's takedown of same website, greatly amused me. Mostly because the letter they left on the freaking funny, out of line, but funny nonetheless.

Also it is way the hell past the time for me to go the fuck to sleep and I suggest anyone else that may be awake and reading this probably ought to go the fuck to sleep themselves.

Night all...Much Love

Friday, August 3, 2012

Finally Free

I almost sorta don't miss you at all
I'm almost happy you never call
I thought I'd miss you all the time
but I forget that you were mine
I wish you well I hope you're good
I guess you never understood
The things you did broke me apart
I'm glad you gave me back my heart
I feel like I am finally free
from all the mess you made of me
And when you said the pastures green
I finally see now what you mean
The grass is greener over here
and things have never been so clear

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 1

I haven't smoked at all today. I am determined to quit smoking and be a positive inspiration for my mom. I'm using the patch. My mom even is trying to make it fun, got a calendar for each of us and stickers (evn got me my obsessions, MLP and Carebear) so we get to put a sticker on each day on the calendar that we are smoke free and don't cheat :) I've been recieving lots of positive inspiration and prayers from people online and at work today as well, even doing okay around a friend that smokes haven't even asked to bum one. I'm pretty proud of myself today and I want to be proud of myself tomorrow too. I KNOW this is worth it, it's just a matter of getting through the hard part.